Category Archives: solar-PV

Partial shading is worse than it sounds.

This post addresses a problem specific to solar PV modules that use string_inverters, which are the most common kinds of inverters. For an introduction to solar PV technology, see my previous post.   Every manufacturer will tell you to avoid obstructions … Continue reading

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solar PV ABC's

There’s a lot of jargon out there. Let’s clear things up with some definitions. First off, you have to call it “Solar PV” because there are other kinds of solar power, like solar thermal and CSP. Generally, these other technologies … Continue reading

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status update: solar PV

the state of the market In case you missed it, the solar photovoltaics industry was this past decade’s hottest drama. Here’s a quick summary: ground-breaking innovations, shortage of raw materials, dubious intellectual property practices, oversupply, sub-cost dumping, bankruptcies, international lawsuits, … Continue reading

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2 Useful Maps

First off: Happy Noo Year! We’ve got some graphics to share, brought to you by our friend Sachin Navalkar. The first one combines wind speed and population density data, giving a more complete, more realistic image of where in the … Continue reading

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