Category Archives: renooble

GoSol: solar can also cook, bake and steam!

Solar electricity is an unstoppable force all over the world.  Both in large scale solar farms and for the home-owner.  But the energy from the sun can be used in many more creative ways.  From drying your clothers, or drying … Continue reading

Posted in renooble, solar hot water, solar PV, solar-PV | Leave a comment

How far will solar go in 2015?

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Solar Energy for home owners by the Rocky Mountain Institute

Solar energy doesn’t only come in the form of solar panels.   From shading to skylights or drying clothes, there are a multiple of applications that take advantage of solar energy.  Below is a great info-graphic by the rocky mountain … Continue reading

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renooble founders interviewed at All-Energy conference

Starting a new company is hard. No doubt about it.  Innovating and developing new technology is hard too, but it’s something we are passionate and good at.  The two co-founders have created innovations in wind technology, data analysis, web development, … Continue reading

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Solar can power transatlantic travel

You may think that transatlantic travel can only be done with the dirty heavy oil from the cruises or with the wind. But recently it’s been shown that the atlantic can be crossed in only 22 days using solar power … Continue reading

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interview: Alan South from Solarcentury

At Ecobuild 2013, we had the opportunity to talk to various members of Solarcentury, the UK’s most experienced solar energy company and a beacon of innovation.  Among them Alan South who has over 20 years technical and leadership experience in … Continue reading

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Solar photovoltaic price free falling

This picture illustrates the dramatic fall of solar photovoltaic prices in the last 35 years.  Around the time when I was born, 34 years ago, a 3kW system for a home would have cost about £79,000.  Today the same system … Continue reading

Posted in renewable-energy, renooble, solar-PV | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

re.nooble selected for Startup Chile

We just received some great news last night: re.nooble has been selected for Startup Chile, a company accelerator scheme in Chile. Re.nooble and 99 other companies have been chosen out of 1577 applicants from 68 countries. It is an honour to … Continue reading

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New Zealand on its way to 90% renewables

When flying to New Zealand’s capital Wellington, two major aspects regarding domestic renewables in this country become immediately apparent. First of all, New Zealand possess a huge potential of wind power. This will become evident during the plane’s approach when … Continue reading

Posted in country studies, incentives, policy, renewable-energy, renooble, solar-PV, wind-energy | Leave a comment

number crunch: solar thermal vs. PV

 The calculations presented here depend on a large number of factors and may not apply to your case.  If you have numbers that differ from these, please let us know so other readers can benefit from your experience. —— Solar … Continue reading

Posted in renewable heat incentive, renooble, solar hot water, solar PV | Tagged | 2 Comments